Physicals in Hoover, AL

Pre-Employment Physicals, Physicals, Chelsea, Al

Physicals Hoover, AL

Types of Physicals at Southern Immediate Care Hoover, AL

Yearly Health Check-up:
A standard physical exam recommended for adults across all age groups. It generally encompasses a review of your medical history, physical examination, and lab tests. Its purpose is to detect potential health issues at their early stage, allowing for treatment before conditions worsen.

Athletic Physical:
An examination required for most sporting activities. This exam typically involves your medical history review, physical examination, and testing of vision and hearing abilities. The goal of an athletic physical is to confirm that the sportsperson can safely participate in sports without endangering themselves to potential injuries.

Department of Transportation (DOT) Physical:
An examination mandated for specific professions, like commercial driving and aviation. This exam usually includes your medical history review, physical examination, and screening for drug and alcohol. The goal of a DOT physical is to ensure that the worker is healthy enough to conduct their job safely.

Specific Processes:

Medical History:
The provider inquires about your personal and family medical history, as well as your current health status. This data aids the provider in determining necessary tests and procedures.

Physical Examination:
The provider performs a thorough body examination, looking for any signs of illness or injury. This might involve checking your heart, lungs, abdomen, reflexes, and skin condition.

Laboratory Tests:
Based on your medical history and physical examination results, the provider might order laboratory tests such as blood tests, urine tests, or imaging tests. These tests assist in identifying potential health issues.

Risks and Advantages:

The risks associated with a physical exam at Southern Immediate Care Chelsea, AL are generally minimal. However, any medical procedure carries a slight risk of complications, the most common of which are bruising, bleeding, and infection during physical examinations.

The advantages of getting a physical exam at an urgent care center include convenience, easy accessibility, and speedy service. Urgent care centers generally operate late and on weekends, enabling you to undergo a physical examination at your convenience. These centers also employ experienced and qualified providers who can conduct physical exams swiftly and effectively.


The cost of physical examinations at urgent care can vary based on the type of physical examination and the provider. While insurance usually covers annual health check-ups, other physical examinations may not be covered. Checking with your insurance provider to ascertain what is covered is crucial.

Booking a Physical Examination:

To schedule a physical examination at Southern Immediate Care Hoover, AL, you can either call the urgent care center directly or visit their website. When contacting them, make sure to inquire about the types of physical examinations offered, the cost of the exam, and the acceptance of insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I need to bring for my physical exam?
Bring your insurance card, a list of current medications, and a list of any medical conditions. A copy of your medical history might also be useful.

What if I have insurance?
Most insurance plans cover yearly health check-ups. However, coverage for other types of physical examinations may vary. It's essential to check with your insurance provider.

What if I have queries about my physical exam results?
If you have questions about your physical examination results, don't hesitate to consult with your provider. They can help you understand the results and address any concerns you may have.

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